Monday, March 03, 2008

Life Up-to-Date

So, here's an update...I'm at etbu...majoring in music and minoring in religion...met someone very special to me: her name is Marissa...taking 17 credit hours made up of 10 classes (not easy)...currently voluntarily unemployed...performances include Opera Workshop (march 27 & 28) and choir tour (Mar. 29-Apr. 2)...Looking forward to spring break (mar. 17-21)...also looking forward to possibly laying down some tracks for a demo cd this summer...not always sure what the Lord has in store but it's one heck of a ride...missing friends back home...wondering where home really is...whetting my apetite for life...and so on...

so, that's it for now, there's always more but i'm running out of time again. comment! let me know how you're doing and what's going on!

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